Legacy Academy of Dance and Performing Arts Limited is committed to protecting your (including your dependants’) personal information. We are committed to providing a safe environment for all our customers, employees, casual and freelance workers, and everybody who comes into contact with us, both physically and virtually (online). This policy is part of Legacy’s Data protocol and relates to the use of any personal information provided to us online, via applications and registration forms, telephone, email exchange, letters or any other form of correspondence.
Whenever you provide such information, we are legally obliged to use your information in line with the current legislation concerning the protection of personal information.
When you participate in or sign up to any of Legacy Academy’s classes, activities, workshops, online content (such as competitions, examinations, social media, etc) we may collect and store personal information about you. This can consist of information such as your name, email address, postal address, telephone or mobile number and date of birth, depending on how you are engaging with us. By submitting your details, you enable us to provide you with the products or services that you have selected.
Legacy Academy do NOT share your personal information with third parties, unless clearly stated. We do NOT sell your data, and neither do we buy data from third parties.
We will use your personal information for a number of purposes including:
to provide you with information about our products, services and activities and to deal with your requests and enquiries, including complaints
for “service administration purposes”, which means that we may contact you for reasons related to the service or activity you signed up for (for example, change of details regarding a course you booked, etc)
in case of medical emergency
to process your application for employment and where applicable your employment once appointed.
For our Governed bodies for those participating in BTDA examinations and LAMDA examinations. Legacy Academy trust their GDPR rules and your data is safe. If you wish to see their set policies, please visit their websites.
As and when we need to use your personal information for reasons other than the ones specified above, we will ensure that we notify you first. You will be given the opportunity to withhold or withdraw your consent for the use of your personal information for purposes other than those listed above.
Legacy Academy may contact you:
to send you relevant communications as part of your registration signup
remind you of important deadlines and/or renewal notifications
in relation to any service or activity you have signed up for, to ensure that we can deliver the services to you
in relation to any correspondence we receive from you or any comment or complaint you make about our products or services
to invite you to participate in surveys about our services (participation is always free and voluntary)
to occasionally market products or services that we think may be of interest to you
to send you information you requested which you voluntarily signed up for via text, letter, email, social media, or by our website.
Parents, visitors and staff can object to their data being used for certain activities like marketing and research.
If you are under 16 and you provide us with information on a registration form, your parent(s)/guardian(s) permission will be required.
Legacy Academy keep the information we hold about our customers and members for as long as is necessary to deliver the services we are providing you with. This will be destroyed 3 years after you leave the school.
We use a variety of procedures and secure technologies to help protect your personal information from unauthorised access, use or disclosure. We store personal information you provide on computer systems and phones (for contact numbers) which have carefully controlled access and with secure algorithms. No bank details are stored or collected by us. All payments made to us should be by Bank Transfer or Cash payment. We do not accept Debit / Credit Card payments, or Cheques. Legacy Academy also hold hard copies, in which are kept in a locked filing cabinet at Legacy Academy’s office. Legacy Academy requires data to be transferred from one IT system to another; such as from Legacy Academy to dance Associations for examinations. These recipients use secure file transfer systems and have their own policies and procedures in place in relation to GDPR. All systems are password protected.
The security measures described above ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to protect your personal information. However, the nature of the Internet means that an absolute guarantee of security cannot be offered, and, as with all Internet transactions, you should be aware that there may be a small security risk when disclosing information online.
Legacy Academy stores personal data held visually in photographs, videos (when filming school shows, medal tests, performances), video clips, also sound recordings. No names are stored with images in photo albums, displays, on the website or on Legacy Academy’s social media sites. Images/videos are only shared where parents have provided consent when registering.
Legacy Academy will NOT publish pictures or videos if parents have not given consent via the registration form. We will NOT publish any of the children's full names via any social media websites. Legacy Academy do NOT allow parents/guardians to film, or take photographs during any lessons, shows, performances, or examinations.
The Data Protection Act gives individuals the right to know what information is held about them. It provides a framework to ensure that personal information is handled properly. You have the right to access personal information held about you, if you wish to request this information please contact this will be responded to within 30 days.
Legacy Academy of Dance and Performing Arts Limited is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children and young people up to the age of 18. We recognise our responsibility to take all reasonable steps to promote safe practice and to protect children from harm, abuse and exploitation throughout all running’s of Legacy Academy.
Legacy Academy of Dance and Performing Arts Limited acknowledges its duty to act appropriately to any allegations, reports or suspicions of abuse. All staff and volunteers will work together to encourage the development of an ethos which embraces difference and diversity respecting the rights of children, young people and adults.
Legacy Academy of Dance and Performing Arts Limited will ensure that:
The welfare of the child is paramount.
All children, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and/or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse.
All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to quickly and appropriately.
Everyone will be treated with respect and dignity.
The welfare of each child will always be put first.
Enthusiastic and constructive criticism will be given to pupils rather than negative criticism.
Bullying will not be accepted or condoned.
All adult members will provide a positive role model.
Action will be taken to stop any inappropriate behaviour.
They comply with the health & safety legislation.
They will keep informed of changes in the legislation and policies for the protection of all children.
They will undertake relevant professional development and training.
All contact and medical details for every child is up to date and available at the place of teaching or performance.
All staff will receive dedicated safeguarding training.
Legacy Academy of Dance and Performing Arts Limited has a designated Head of Safeguarding in line with Safeguarding requirements who oversees that the child protection policy is adhered to.
The Designated Head of Safeguarding at Legacy Academy is:
Mrs Charlotte Ward, Contact Number: 07753320336
Any concerns of a child’s welfare must be reported to the Head of Safeguarding, who will then take appropriate further action, reporting to the Police, and the Safeguarding Children’s Board. If for any reason you can’t get in contact with the Head of Safeguarding, please contact either:
Local Safeguarding Children’s Board: 01202 458873
Dorset Police: 01202 222222
NSPCC 24-hour helpline: 0808 800 500
For further guidance, reporting, and advice.
In implementing this policy, Legacy Academy of Dance and Performing Arts Limited will:
Ensure that all workers/members understand their legal and moral responsibility to protect children and young people from harm, abuse and exploitation.
Ensure that all workers/volunteers/members understand their duty to report concerns that arise about a child or young person, or a workers conduct towards a child or young person to the Head of Safeguarding.
The Head of Safeguarding will refer any child protection concerns to the statutory child protection agencies (i.e. Police and/or Children’s Social Care).
Ensure that children, young people, parents and guardians will be informed of who the Head of Safeguarding is and will be able to raise any safeguarding concerns & know that these will be taken seriously and acted upon.
Ensure that workers/members will work implemented in a consistent and equitable manner in line with the safer working practice guidance.
Ensure that all staff members hold current Enhanced DBS Disclosures, Valid First Aid, and Public Liability Insurances.
If at any time proof and evidence is required of current staff Teaching Qualifications, Enhanced DBS Disclosures, First Aid Certificates, Public Liability Insurances, please speak with the Director, Principal, and Head of Safeguarding at Legacy Academy of Dance and Performing Arts Limited, Mrs Charlotte Ward, who will be able to assist you in providing all relevant information. As a registered, qualified school under BTDA (British Theatre Dance Association) the above documents are legal requirements to uphold the full registration and qualifications.